Monday, September 17, 2012

Making great progress!

Working on new the Thin Places artwork has been a very deep and meaningful process.  It has offered me a way to reenter the experience again, allowing the sense of discovery to continue.  As I am creating new work from my imagery, I am perceiving beauty and meaning again, from a different perspective.

I am very pleased with the progress I am making.  I will have most of the Thin Places work completed by the end of this month!   I just recently sent the first two finished pieces, developed on aluminum, to Assisi, Italy for the International Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Art Gallery Le Logge.  This exhibit, opening December 2, will feature artwork by the 2012 resident artists of the Arte Studio Ginestrelle.

In addition, I will also have Thin Places work exhibited at the Timken World Headquarters in Canton, OH from October 2012- January 2013. There are also a couple of other exhibition possibilities that I am waiting to hear back about.

I am so eager to share this work and so very thankful for all of the people who helped to make my residency and this project possible! THANK YOU!


An image of the tracery from the rose window in the Basilica of St. Clare, in Assisi, Italy was merged with an iconic view of the Umbrian countryside with its cyprus trees.  Together they seemed to create a thoughtful space that visualized growth.

Size (h x w):
Media: digital photography on aluminum